Seeing the depth in family

Seeing the depth in family
May 20, 2021 Comments Off on Seeing the depth in family Uncategorized DomandNance

We all know the importance of family but, do we see the complete picture? Like the value found in bantering or even family fights. There is a whole range of personality concepts and sense of self found in developing family dynamics. Give this some thought, follow us (Dom and Nance), perhaps we can help you to discover more about the value of family. All our hope rests in you to make the world a better place. Peace!

About The Author
DomandNance Nance and I have labored together to create a relationship that combines two different worlds. I have been a Dominate for many years with several variations of D/s relationships. Nance on the other hand has been a heterosexual only really accepting of the socially acceptable monogamous life.