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  • Falls along Columbia Gorge near Corbit

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  • Noise drowns me out. Are you feeling lost in the loud? – ISO ME.
    August 7, 2021 / Comments Off on Noise drowns me out. Are you feeling lost in the loud? – ISO ME. / Uncategorized My head gets so loud at times that I seemingly lose myself entirely. I see something similar in other too. I am making a decision to reach out to me / myself and perhaps to you too, if you can hear beyond the noise. Am I willing to listen when I remove the noise? Will

  • Scraping cellulite away: A sexy sub is a happy sub.
    June 11, 2021 / Comments Off on Scraping cellulite away: A sexy sub is a happy sub. / Uncategorized Another Avenue in "Loving your body" series that we're building to enhance heathy living and happy bodies... Here's the recipe for scraping cellulite (cleansing skin and aiding weight reduction). Now I do believe each part of the program it's required. You may still get results trying different combinations of ideas and applications but having scraped a

  • Sexy fun night: next day blues (Subdrop)
    June 6, 2021 / Comments Off on Sexy fun night: next day blues (Subdrop) / Uncategorized When and if you include a friend,.. So you've had a fun night with a new kink friend (or friends) and the hours that follow result in feelings of depression. Two other names may be attached to this actual condition; situational dysthymia and /or postcoital dysphoria (PCD). Sadly, this form of dysphoria is common. It

  • Let kink be your outlet
    May 20, 2021 / Comments Off on Let kink be your outlet / Uncategorized WE know that relationship work isn't easy, we're here to help. When asked what makes our relationship so appealing I answer: communication, love, and free expression. A BDSM recipe for success. You don't have to be tied up to enjoy a healthy relationship but you can use the same relationship rules to guide your successful

  • Building a web life and presents…
    May 20, 2021 / Comments Off on Building a web life and presents… / Uncategorized I couldn't tell you how fast the world moves until you stretch out your hand to grab hold. Snapped out from my former complacent arm chair and into full speed discovery. While this snap may seem daunting at times, I am coming around and making some real head way. Look out everyone, you may be

  • Seeing the depth in family
    May 20, 2021 / Comments Off on Seeing the depth in family / Uncategorized We all know the importance of family but, do we see the complete picture? Like the value found in bantering or even family fights. There is a whole range of personality concepts and sense of self found in developing family dynamics. Give this some thought, follow us (Dom and Nance), perhaps we can help you

You are so much more then the person you see in the mirror: discover the deeper YOU

Life is so much better when love is shared

Follow Us Take time to unravel the mysteries that hold relationships from truly impacting the world. The brightest stars may seem out of reach if you stand back and only admire them. Learn to travel the distance and close the gap so your relationship can shine bright!